Happy birthday to Sophia, Agafya, Gene, and Matthew!
And God's blessings to Jimmy as he is heading off to Air Force! May God grant you many and blessed years! Today, Jan. 16, 2022, is the Sanctity of Life Sunday. Our parishioners, the Pandorf family, participated in NJ March for Life this past week. Christians have always maintained that life is precious and sacred from the time of our conception to the time of our death. Since this life is a gift from God, out of His goodness and graciousness, only He, and He alone, can take it away.
No person, no matter how noble, and for no reason, no matter the justification, can take away their own life or a life of another person. Life miraculously begins at conception, therefore abortion is a wicked act of murder. The willing neglect of the poor and the needy, and even the creation of circumstances that worsen their living situations, are all likewise acts of murder. Capital punishment is an act of murder. It is not justice, even of the law justifies and protects it. Euthanasia, which is becoming a more prevalent topic in our public discord, is an act of murder and suicide. Life is God's gift to us, a gift that we receive having done nothing. We are only the stewards of this gift; and eventually we will have to answer for how well we took care of this free gift. Be thankful and rejoice in this gift, protect your life and the lives of your neighbors, glorifying One God in Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. For more resources on the Sanctity of Life, please visit: Sanctity of Life Resources page. Quite a few people braved the snowy weather to celebrate the Birth of our Savior.
Afterwards, we continued our celebration with a warm fellowship. Christ is born! |
November 2024