On Sunday, February 2, 2025, after Divine Liturgy, the newly elected parish council of Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Church gathered for short meleben, asking that the Lord bless their dedicated efforts for the benefit of the parish community. The parish clergy and faithful wished them many years of health and fruitful labors, thanking them for their willingness to be a part of the parish lay leadership.
Afterwards, Father Mark read a prayer "Before the start of any good deed" and blessed three children of the parish who are members of the Cub Scouts of America as they continue their advancement and fruitful participation in the scout program. The day concluded with congratulating Gerg Karol and other parishioners with their Birthdays. A special thank you is expressed to Saint Annas Altar Society for purchasing new gold altar robes for the deacon and servers. On January 18 and 19, 2025, the clergy and parishioners of Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Church in Little Falls, NJ celebrated the feast of the Theophany of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As is the tradition of the Orthodox Church, the Holy "Agiasma" service of the Great Blessing of the water was served both after Divine Liturgy on the Eve of Theophany, and After Liturgy on the actual day of the feast. After the Great Blessing of water the clergy and faithful walked down to the stream that flows through the neighborhood while singing the hymns of Theophany. There, the brook was also blessed and used to bless the faithful that were present. Afterwards, the parish congratulated Matushaka Anastasia with her birthday and along with other members of the parish that had birthdays that week.
On Sunday January 12, 2025, the clergy, parishioners, and guests of Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Church organized a Yolka celebration.
After Divine Liturgy everyone made their way next door to the education building which was decorated with lights, balloons, and festive Christmas decor. The celebration began with a prayer and a few words from the rector of the parish, Fr. Mark Rashkov. During his introductory remarks, Fr. Mark thanked all of the many volunteers from near and far that helped make the celebration possible. Afterwards, guests watched a live Nativity shadow puppet show put on by parishioners of the church and directed by Vladislav Guzner. The show highlighting the events of Christ's birth and retold the Nativity story. The Second part of the celebration was full of dancing, singing, fun and games including a ballet dance performed by the Sunday School children. A live musical performance was also incorporated into the festivities put together by Irina Zagornava and her musical ensemble "Zolotoy Petushok". The both the children and adults were welcomed by Grandfather Frost (Ded Moroz) and his granddaughter, the Snow Maiden (Snegurochka). After the Yolka celebration, every child received a holiday gift of sweets and everyone continued to enjoy each other's company and the holiday potluck lunch which was organized by the parish. On January 6 - 7 Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Russian Orthodox Church celebrated the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The festivities began with Royal hours in the morning on January 6, followed by Nativity vigil at 6pm. On January 7, the clergy and faithful gathered for Divine Liturgy. During the communion of the clergy the rector of the parish, Priest Mark Rashkov read the the Nativity greetings from the Interim Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes, Bishop Matthew of Sourozh. At the end of Liturgy Fr. Mark welcomed the parishioners with a sermon followed by a performance by the parish children singing Nativity carols. The veneration of the cross concluded the service as the parish choir, lead by Alla Kerko, sang Christmas carols. The festivities continued during fellowship in the parish hall. Afterwards, a group consisting of clergy and parishioners visited a few elderly parishioners with Nativity carols and greetings.
It is with great sadness that we share the news about the falling asleep of Andrew (Andy) Miketzuk. Andy fell asleep in the lord on on December 26, 2024. He was a long time choir director of our church and other orthodox churches in the area.
A choir director has a very important role in the life of any parish. Not only do they set the tone for the music but a tone for the entire service. Through his hard work, dedication, and love for the Church, Andy set the tone of prayer for hundreds of people over the years. We thank him for sharing his God given talent with all of us and pray that his efforts and service to the Church will be rewarded with God’s love and divine grace. May his memory be eternal! Funeral services from Kugler Funeral Home 311 Fifth Street Saddle Brook, NJ. Funeral service on Monday December 30th at 10am at Three Saints Orthodox Church 474 Outwater Lane Garfield. Burial to immediately follow in George Washington Memorial Park Cemetery in Paramus. December 15, 2024 - Saint Nicholas Day celebration at Saint John’s Church. The Sunday before the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, the children of our parish presented a play based on the life of Saint Nicholas, directed by Emma Pandorf. Afterwards, the parish was visited by “Saint Nicholas” who gave out gifts to the parishioners and children. The day continued with a potluck hosted by the Sunday school.
On December 2, 2024, the men's group of our parish decorated the church for the Christmas season. We thank them for being generous with their time and making our church look amazing. On November 3, the 19th Sunday after Pentecost, the Interim Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA & Canada, Bishop Matthew of Sourozh visited St. John the Baptist Church in Little Falls, NJ where he celebrated the Divine Liturgy. At the doors of the church, the hierarch was greeted by students of the parish school, and parish council president James Levitsky. His Grace was concelebrated by Acting Chancellor of the Patriarchal Parishes Abbot Nicodemus (Balyasnikov), Archpriest Mikhail Kapchits (dean of the Eastern States), Priest Mark Rashkov (parish rector, Vice-Chancellor of the Patriarchal Parishes), director of the hierarchal protocol Deacon Alexis Golubov, Protodeacons Serge Kerko & Paul Drozdowski (cleric of St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Howell, NJ). The parish choir sang under the direction of Alla Kerko. The mayor of Little Falls, James Damiano and other members of the city administration visited the parish. At the end of the Liturgy, the archpastor, clergy, numerous parishioners and guests of the festive service performed a procession around the church, during which Bishop Matthew consecrated the icon of the heavenly patron of the parish- the holy prophet and Forerunner John the Baptist, made at the expense of the benefactors Peter and Dmitry Drozdowski, which adorned the central façade of the church. Priest Mark Rashkov read a prayer to the saint before the newly consecrated icon. At the end of the service, the archpastor was warmly greeted by the rector of the church, Father Mark, who, on behalf of all the parishioners, thanked Bishop Matthew for celebrating the Liturgy and consecrating the newly erected icon. Bishop Matthew addressed the congregation with a sermon and also expressed gratitude to the rector, the president and parish council, benefactors, the conductor and singers, volunteers and all parishioners for their labors for the good of the Church and love for their parish. Bishop Matthew cordially welcomed the city mayor Mr. Damiano and representatives of his administration for their attention and support of one of the oldest churches in Little Falls. At the intercession of Bishop Matthew, for their many years of zealous work for the benefit of the Church of St. John the Baptist, the president of the parish, James Levitsky, and his predecessor in this post, Gregory Carol, were awarded the medals of St. Seraphim of Sarov by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'. In gratitude for the construction of the icon of St. John the Baptist, Bishop Matthew presented a hierarchal gramota to Dmitry Drozdwoski. The archpastor presented all participants of the Liturgy with an icon of the Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, consecrated on Mount Athos. The service ended with the proclamation of the polychronion to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, His Grace Bishop Matthew, the rector, clergy, president and parish committee, the head of the city, benefactors, parishioners and guests of the feast. Interaction continued over a fraternal meal in the cultural center of the Church of St. John the Baptist, prepared by the parish sisterhood. The participants of the meal were greeted by the Dean of the Eastern States, Archpriest Mikhail Kapchits, the city mayor James Damiano, and the parish president James Levitsky. After the meal, the bishop familiarized himself with the activities of the Sunday school, the sisterhood, the parish museum, and the library. On September 26 and 27 the Orthodox Church celebrated the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. At Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Church Festal Vespers were served with litia on the evening of the feast. During the service, the clergy brought out the cross for veneration to the center of the church. On the Day of the feast Divine Liturgy was served.
On Saturday September 21, 2024, after Divine Liturgy for the feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos, Saint John's Church hosted its annual picnic. In attendance were parishioners, guests from other churches, neighbors from nearby towns, and representatives of the local Little Falls Town Council including the mayor of Little Falls, James Belford Damiano. Guests enjoyed live music, home made food, and many fun activities for children. We thank everyone who helped organize this event and all who came to support the church.
On Saturday, September 14, 2024 the community of Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Church continued to prepare for the Saint John's Annual picnic by making fresh homemade pierogi which will be sold for the benefit of the church. We thank all who participated and donated their time.
On August 28, 2024 the clergy and faithful of Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Church celebrated the great and holy feast of the Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary. The festivities began on Tuesday, August 27 with festal vespers and a procession with the shroud around the church. The feast continued on following day with Divine Liturgy and the blessing of the flowers and herbs which were brought by the faithful.
On Monday, August 19, 2024, the clergy and parishioners of Saint John the Baptist Church gathered to celebrate the holy feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The festivities began with the Liturgy on Sunday for the Forefeast of Transfiguration. At the end of Sunday Liturgy, the parish congratulated a long time parishioner, Ludmila Pogrebensky, on her 85 birthday and wished her many blessed years. That same day, after fellowship, the clergy and faithful joined for festal vespers and litia, celebrating the holy feast day. The following day, Divine liturgy was served and as is the tradition for this feast, special prayers were read at the end of service for the blessing of the fruit of the new harvest.
On Sunday, August 4 2024, the clergy and parishioners of Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Church congratulated longtime parishioners of the parish, Vladimir and Daria Selepouchin, on their 55th wedding anniversary. After Divine Liturgy, the congregation thanked them for their dedication to the church and wished them many more wonderful years of health, prosperity, and all good things.
On July 7, 2024 the Clergy and parishioners of Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Church celebrated their patronal feast day. The Festivities began with Divine Liturgy, at the end of which, the clergy and faithful processed around the church with banners and icons, blessing all sides of the church and concluding with a prayer to the heavenly patron of the community, Saint John the Baptist. After the Sunday sermon, Fr. Mark especially congratulated Anna Petruccelli, Joan Strothers, and Sergey Kondratiev for their birthdays. Additionally, the entire congregation join Fr. Mark in congratulating the Parish President, Mr. James Levitsky with his 50th Birthday and thanked him for his dedication to the parish. The festivities continued in the church hall where the community engaged in fellowship. On Sunday June 23, 2024 the Orthodox Church Celebrated the most holy feast of Pentecost, the day of the Holy Trinity. In Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Church the feast was celebrated with Divine Liturgy followed by Great Vespers during which the kneeling prayers were read as is the tradition of the Orthodox Church. During the great Prokeimenon, flower petals were dispersed among the church from the choir loft, accompanying the words "You are God, Who alone works wonders." After service, the festivities continued with a Sunday School celebration to mark the end of the school year. The students were given gifts and certificates of completion. Letters of appreciation were given to parishioners and teachers that especially contributed to the life of the parish Sunday School during the academic year. After the celebration, the children enjoyed the summer weather outdoors as parishioners enjoyed fellowship at coffee hour. Pentecost 2024 Great VespersOn Saturday, May 25th, 2024, The American Legion Singac Post 108 & The Township of Little Falls held it's annual Memorial Day celebration, honoring the U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces with a parade and memorial service in Wilmore Road Park. This year, the American Legion Post 108 invited Priest Mark Rashkov, Rector of Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Russian Orthodox Church to participate in the ceremony with an opening prayer. After a short prayer, Legion Commander Herb Brychta continued to lead the service with words of remembrance for the fallen heroes of Little Falls, NJ followed by the address of Little Falls Mayor, James Belford Damiano.
It was an honor for our parish to participate in this event and we thank the town and especially the American Legion for the opportunity. Paschal festivities at Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Church began at 11pm on Holy Saturday with Paschal Nocturnes. After the Shroud of Christ was returned to the altar, at about midnight, the Paschal procession began around the church building. Afterwards Paschal Matins followed with the reading of the Sermon of Saint John Chrysotom. As is the tradition on Pascha, at the Divine Liturgy, the Gospel was read in various languages. This year the Gospel was read in English, Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, German, Dutch, Polish, Tajik and Latvian languages. On Sunday morning, Father Mark served a Paschal Typica Service with communion for those who did not attend the night Service. The festivities concluded on Sunday morning with a parish barbecue and wishing Father Mark a happy belated birthday.
On May 4, 2024, Great and Holy Saturday services began with a Vesperal Divine Liturgy with the reading of the Old Testament readings of Holy Saturday. At 5pm the faithful gathered at the Education Center for Easter basket blessings.
On May 3, 2024, Great and Holy Friday, the clergy and faithful of Nativity of Saint John's Church gathered to venerate the shroud of Christ. At 3pm the shroud was brought out to the the center of the church for veneration at the end of Holy Friday Vespers. At 6pm, Matins of Holy Saturday were served with a procession with the shroud of Christ around the outside of the church.
Holy Thursday began with Divine Liturgy, commemorating the day of the Last Supper. In the evening, Holy Friday Matins were served with the reading of the 12 Passion Gospels.
On Holy Wednesday, May 1, 2024, the clergy and faithful of Nativity of Saint John's Church gathered for the sacrament of Holy Unction. The rector of the Elevation of the Holy Cross Church in Hackettstown, NJ, Priest Andrew Massey concelebrated with Father Mark.
On Saturday April 27, 2024 after Divine Liturgy for Lazarus Saturday, the clergy and faithful of Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Church joined in the annual parish clean-up day to prepare the church and church grounds for Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and Holy Easter (Pascha). Along with cleaning, the parish took part in decorating the church with palms and willow branches. That evening, at festal Great Vespers, the rector, Father Mark blessed the palms and willows which were distributed to the faithful.
The following morning, the feast day began with a festive procession from the education building to the church. The children and Sunday School teachers held palms and branches of willow to mark the feast. After processing into the church the festive Divine Liturgy began. Afterwards Father Mark blessed the palms and willows for those who could not attend the day before. At the end of service, Father Mark welcomed everyone with a sermon and especially congratulated Tina Malinowski, Harry Stryker, Joan Drobik and all who celebrated their birthdays that past week. On Saturday, April 20, 2024 Nativity of Saint John's church hosted the annual pysanky egg workshop. Guests and parishioners joined to learn about the ancient Slavic tradition of decorating eggs for Holy Easter (Pascha). After a demonstration by experienced individuals of this art form, participants were provided with all that was necessary in order to practice the art themselves. A special thank you to our very own Marry Ann Bacsik and her family who dedicate a great deal of their time and resources to help organize this event every year.
January 2025